Weather warning for Wednesday / Thursday from Vicky at Midlands Storm Chasers

A quick glance at the system heading through on Wednesday and Thursday.
The met office have issued a yellow warning for the main bulk of the U.K. .
This is for strong gusting winds , torrential rain at times , and gales along the western coast .
It is looking like a wild spell with gusts getting up into the 50-60mph range , however it is only Monday and we have a few data sets to go before those fine details can be declared.
For now , it’s a case of keeping it in the back of your mind , maybe reschedule any outdoor plans ,fixing fences , and lash your trampoline down .
It’s not looking too bad , and currently an unnamed storm , but ya know , I bet the Dutch will get in there and call it Brenda or something , or the French , Le Brenda .
( Brenda won’t be the name , I’m just using it as an example as I like it )

Vicky – Midlands Storm Chasers

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    weather chart 2