A further £1m to tackle violence – John Campion, West Mercia Police and Crime Commissioner

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You still have time to have your say on my Safer West Mercia plan. Do you agree with what is being proposed? Is there something else you would like to see?

Have your say at  https://www.westmercia-pcc.gov.uk/ 

To find out more about my Safer West Mercia plan visit my YouTube channel where I have broken down the four pillars into four videos.

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Seeking Reassurance
I have sought reassurance that West Mercia Police are proactively reassuring the community following the horrific murder in London. I am holding West Mercia Police to account, to ensure that there are robust processes in place for individuals to confirm the identity of any officer and that this process is available to the public.
Find out more
Safer Streets Fund
I have secured £1m of funding that will go towards tackling violence, including against women and girls within West Mercia.

As part of the Government’s Safer Streets Fund my endorsed bids from West Mercia Police and local partners will support local projects aimed at increasing the safety of public spaces.

Read the full story here
Animal Welfare Scheme
The animal Welfare scheme is a paw-some project in partnership with the Dog Trust that will see independent volunteers make unannounced visits to ensure the kennels and training facility are as they should be.
This month saw the return of my Safer West Mercia podcast. My latest episode saw me sit down with Chief Constable Pippa Mills. You can listen to the latest episode as well as previous ones below.
Listen here
Service Awards
I would like to congratulate Simon Westwood-Bate for 15 years of service and David Casey for 10 years of service as independent custody visitors. They have both worked extremely hard and without volunteers such schemes would not be as successful.

You can find out more about being an independent custody visitor below.

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Kidderminster and District Youth Trust
This month I had the pleasure to visit Kidderminster and District Youth Trust to see the great work they have all been doing in the community.
Kicking out anti-social behavior
I am pleased to provide £1,000 of funding towards ‘Making Changes’, a youth football project supported by Hereford Football Club and Central Roofing. The aim of the project is to ensure children from challenging backgrounds are provided with key skills and knowledge to ensure they can make better choices and reduce their chance of being a victim, or perpetrator of crime, such as anti-social behaviour, in the future.
Find out more
Victim Advice Line
Deputy PCC Tracey Onslow visited the Victim Advice Line team to see the great work they are doing. This free and confidential service is available for anyone who has been affected by crime in West Mercia. I am proud to have set up this service which puts victims first and ensures everyone can have support that is right for them.
Find out more
Safer Streets
This month myself and West Mercia Chief Constable Pippa Mills went to Woodrow in Redditch to launch the Safer Street project. This fantastic project saw £430k secured by myself and Redditch Borough Council to improve security and safety throughout the community.
10,000 personal safety alarms
From food shows to folk festivals, fresher’s fairs to pubs and clubs, my team, together with West Mercia Police local policing teams have now distributed 10,000 personal safety alarms across West Mercia.

I want to build communities which are not only safe, but also feel safe. By providing these alarms for free, it is just one small element of providing reassurance to those who are potentially vulnerable.

Read the full story here
Officer Bravery Awards
This month I had the honour in attending the Police Bravery Awards.

West Mercia PCs Lee Phillips and Christopher Donovan rescued a vulnerable man from a fast-flowing river in the middle of winter and were recognised for their heroic actions.
Their story:
The force received a call in the early hours to say a man was behaving inappropriately in Shrewsbury town centre. Before officers could properly talk to the man, he ran off towards a river. Concerned for the man’s safety the officers followed. In his attempt to escape, he jumped over a fence down to the riverside. He entered the water but began to struggle as the water was flowing much faster than usual due to recent heavy rainfall. Using local knowledge to identify where the man would be swept to, the officers ran down the river-bank, forced entry through a gate and were able to pull the man from the water. They then administered first aid until paramedics arrived.

Please bear in mind that the office of the PCC is currently transitioning to being back in the office, whilst able to take phone calls to the usual number, we would encourage you to make contact by emailing opcc@westmercia.pnn.police.uk or by using the social pages ‘westmerciapcc’ on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Any members of the public needing to call the office can do so between 9:00am and 17:00pm, Monday – Thursday and 9:00am – 16:00pm Friday.

This email was sent to david.mortimer123@yahoo.co.uk
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